Thursday, May 7, 2015

Ignore Swaggart Ministries/ Karen Frazier Romero ignorant attacks on Catholicism

Swaggart Ministries claims to preach the word of God. Interesting then how it regularly snipes at Catholicism. There is a regular misrepresentation of Catholicism on this channel. Swaggart Ministeries is not the True Church founded by Jesus Christ. Swaggart Ministries is of human origin. It is one of more than three thousand Protestant groups which have evolved since the Reformation. All are in error on Christian Docrtine. No two preach the same message. Much of what the Swaggart Ministries preaches is doctrinal nonsense. Catholics: Ignore those Protestant sects. "Born Again" groups are busy targeting Catholic recruits with a simplistic message. That message is NOT the teaching of Jesus Christ. The test of the True Church is whether it was founded by Jesus Christ or by a human being. Swaggart Ministries was founded by Jimmy Swaggart. It is not the Church of Jesus Christ. It is giving Jimmy Swaggart's interpretation of Christianity.

Jesus Christ founded Catholicism. Ipso facto it is the True Church. Jesus said to Peter: "Thou art Peter and on this rock I build my Church and I give to thee the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it". Peter was the fist Pope and was appointed by Jesus Christ. Pope Francis has a direct link back to the first Pope who was Peter. The Catholic Church has the Apostolic Succession. No Protestant Church has it.

The Catholic Church is not just one denomination among many. In fact, it is the only faith that can trace its founding roots back to Jesus Christ, who started our Church. For 2,000 years, the Catholic Church has guarded the truth that Jesus has taught, whether in or out of style. In the Church today, one can experience the most personal relationship with Christ through the Holy Eucharist, the gift of Christ’s Body and Blood to us. Since its founding, the Catholic Church has continued to be the largest body of Christians on earth. Though it’s not perfect, nor does it have perfect members, the Church still contains the fullness of truth, which Jesus promised would set us free.....( Catholics Come

If you are a lapsed Catholic or somebody who wishes to know more about the Catholic religion visit Catholics Come

Recently Swaggart Ministries featured an author and ex Catholic-Karen Frazier Romero- on its channel. She spent most of her appearance attacking Catholicism. It was glaringly obviously that she never had a full understanding of Catholic doctrine. These attacks would be demolished by people like Scott Hahn in seconds. Now of course she is interested in selling books to a certain market which relishes such attacks. Catholics should ignore her remarks and writings. She is out of her depth when commenting on Catholic doctrine and history. Her attacks on Catholicism and Pope Francis were appalling.

You get the TRUTH ON CATHOLICISM here:

Catholic TV Channels

Read various Catholic authors. Read: Rome Sweet Home Our Journey to Catholicism written by Scott and Kimberly Hahn who were Protestants but on investigation discovered that the Catholic Church is the ONE TRUE CHURCH founded by Jesus Christ. Ignore embittered former Catholics appearing on a Protestant TV Channel like the Swaggart Ministries. Remember Swaggart Ministries is of human origin. The Catholic Chuch is the ONE TRUE CHURCH founded by Jesus Christ.

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